Ninja Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, commonly abbreviated as TMNT, is a media franchise created by the comic book artists Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird. It follows LeonardoDonatelloRaphael and Michelangelo, four anthropomorphic turtle brothers trained in ninjutsu who fight evil in New York City. The franchise encompasses printed media, television series’, feature films, video games, and merchandise.

The franchise began as a comic book, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which Eastman and Laird conceived as a parody of elements popular in superhero comics at the time. The first issue was published in 1984 by Eastman and Laird’s company Mirage Studios and was a surprise success. In 1987, Eastman and Laird licensed the characters to Playmates Toys, which developed a line of Turtles action figures. About US$1.1 billion of Turtles toys were sold between 1988 and 1992, making them the third-bestselling toy figures ever at the time.

learn more about Ninja Turtles at wikipedia

all artwork is not mine credit to the artists. click on photo for slideshow.

Pure fictional entertainment I just picture dive and share I’m not the ARTIST.

Ninja Turtles by John Wild gallery above

Ninja Turtles by AI Art Universe gallery above

Ninja Turtle by Rapture Ai gallery above

Ninja Turtle Universal Divas gallery

Ninja Turtles by Fanboy Extreme gallery

Ninja Turtles by ImRaccoon gallery above

Ninja Turtles by Jason Baxwar gallery above