
The Incredibles, an American media franchise, tells the story of superheroes, also known as “Supers,” co-existing with society. Set in a retro-futuristic version of the 1960s, the film series revolves around the Supers’ struggles to live surburban lives as ordinary citizens while keeping their powers hidden due to a government mandate.

The film series consists of two films, The Incredibles (2004) and Incredibles 2 (2018), and revolves around Bob Parr’s fight against villainous threats despite his quiet family life. Bob’s desire to relive his glory days as a Super leads him to a series of conflicts against a fan-turned-supervillain and his mechanical robots. Bob’s struggle is the main plot of the original series.

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Incredibles gallery by John Wild above

Incredibles Red Hot gallery

Incredibles Miscellaneous gallery above

Incredibles by Comic Art gallery gallery

Incredibles by Universal Divas above