
The Hulk is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in the debut issue of The Incredible Hulk (May 1962). In his comic book appearances, the character, who has dissociative identity disorder (DID), is primarily represented by the alter ego Hulk, a green-skinned, hulking, and muscular humanoid possessing a limitless degree of physical strength, and the alter ego Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, a physically weak, socially withdrawn, and emotionally reserved physicist, both of whom typically resent each other.

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all artwork is not mine credit to the artists. click on photo for slideshow.

Pure fictional entertainment I just picture dive and share I’m not the ARTIST.

Hulk a John Wild gallery above

Hulk Fanboy Extreme gallery above

Hulk by ImRaccoon gallery above

Hulk gallery by Jose Snow above

Hulk gallery by Rapture Ai above

Hulk Miscellaneous gallery above

Hulk by Art Sensei gallery above