
Captain Marvel, also known as Shazam (/ʃəˈzæm/), is a superhero in American comic books originally published by Fawcett Comics and currently published by DC Comics. Artist C. C. Beck and writer Bill Parker created the character in 1939. Captain Marvel first appeared in Whiz Comics #2 (cover-dated Feb. 1940), published by Fawcett Comics. He is the alter ego of Billy Batson, a boy who, by speaking the magic word “SHAZAM!” (acronym of six “immortal elders”: SolomonHerculesAtlasZeusAchilles, and Mercury), is transformed into a costumed adult with the powers of superhuman strength, speed, flight, and other abilities. The character battles an extensive rogues’ gallery, most of them working in tandem as the Monster Society of Evil, including primary archenemies Black AdamDoctor Sivana and Mister Mind. Billy often shares his powers with other children, primarily his sister Mary Batson and their best friend/foster brother Freddy Freeman, who also transform into superheroes and fight crime with Billy as members of the Marvel Family, also known as the Shazam Family or Shazamily.

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all artwork is not mine credit to the artists. click on photo for slideshow.

Pure fictional entertainment I just picture dive and share I’m not the ARTIST.

Shazam by John Wild gallery above

Shazam by John Wild gallery above

Shazam by Art Sensei gallery above

Shazam by DC Times gallery above

Shazam by ImRaccoon gallery above

Lady Shazam by Comic Art gallery above

Lady Shazam gallery above