Deadpool is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld, the character first appeared in New Mutants #98 (December 1990). In his comic book appearances, Deadpool is initially depicted as a supervillain of the New Mutants and X-Force, though later stories would portray him as an antihero. Deadpool is the alter ego of Wade Wilson, a disfigured Canadian mercenary with superhuman regenerative healing abilities. He is known for his tendency to joke incessantly and break the fourth wall for humorous effect.
The character’s popularity has seen him featured in numerous other media outlets. In the 2004 series Cable & Deadpool, he refers to his own scarred appearance as “Ryan Renolds [sic] crossed with a Shar Pei“.[7][8] Reynolds developed an interest in portraying the character after reading the comic,[9] which was ultimately realized in the X-Men film series, including X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009), Deadpool (2016), and its sequels Deadpool 2 (2018) and Marvel Cinematic Universe‘s Deadpool & Wolverine (2024),[10][11][12][13] in the latter of which Reynolds’ wife Blake Lively, Matthew McConaughey, Paul Mullin, Nathan Fillion, Peggy, and Reynolds’ children Inez and Olin portray alternate universe variants of Deadpool.
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all artwork is not mine credit to the artists. click on photo for slideshow.
Pure fictional entertainment I just picture dive and share I’m not the ARTIST.
Deadpool by John Wild gallery
Deadpool by John Wild gallery above
Dead Pool by ArtSensei gallery
Dead Pool by ArtSensei gallery above
Dead Pool by Fanboy Extreme gallery
Dead Pool by Fanboy Extreme gallery above
Dead Pool by Jose Snow gallery
Dead Pool by Jose Snow gallery above
Dead Pool by ImRaccoon gallery
Dead Pool by ImRaccoon gallery above
Dead Pool By Rapture Ai gallery
Dead Pool By Rapture Ai gallery
Dead Pool Miscellaneous gallery
Dead Pool Miscellaneous gallery above
Lady Dead Pool gallery
Lady Dead Pool gallery above
Lady Dead Pool by ArtSensei gallery
Lady Dead Pool by ArtSensei gallery above
Lady Deadpool by Jose Wild gallery
Lady Deadpool by Jose Wild gallery above
Lady Dead Pool by Fanboy Extreme gallery
Lady Dead Pool by Fanboy Extreme gallery above
Lady Dead Pool by ImRaccoon gallery
Lady Dead Pool by ImRaccoon gallery above
Lady Dead Pool by Comic Art gallery
Lady Dead Pool by Comic Art gallery above
Lady Dead Pool by Universal Divas gallery
Lady Dead Pool by Universal Divas gallery above