Hellboy is a superhero created by Mike Mignola and appearing in comic books published by Dark Horse Comics. The character first appeared in San Diego Comic-Con Comics #2 (August 1993), and has since appeared in various miniseries, one-shots, and intercompany crossovers. The character has been adapted into four live-action films: Hellboy (2004) and its sequel The Golden Army (2008), a 2019 reboot film, and The Crooked Man (2024). The character also appeared in two straight-to-DVD animated films and three video games – Dogs of the Night (2000), The Science of Evil (2004) and Web of Wyrd (2023).
A well-meaning Cambion (or half-Demon) whose true name is Anung Un Rama (“and upon his brow is set a crown of flame”), Hellboy was summoned from Hell to Earth as a baby by Nazi occultists (spawning his hatred for the Third Reich). He appeared in the ruins of an old church in the Outer Hebrides in front of a team assembled by the Allied Forces, among them, Professor Trevor Bruttenholm, who formed the United States Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (B.P.R.D.). In time, Hellboy grew to be a large, muscular, red-skinned ape/monkey-like man with a tail, horns (which he files off, leaving behind circular stumps on his forehead that resemble goggles), cloven hooves, and an oversized right hand made of stone (the “Right Hand of Doom”). He has been described as smelling of dry-roasted peanuts. Although a bit gruff, he shows none of the malevolence thought to be intrinsic to classical demons and has an ironic sense of humor. This is said to be because of his upbringing under Professor Bruttenholm, who raised him as a normal boy.
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all artwork is not mine credit to the artists. click on photo for slideshow.
Pure fictional entertainment I just picture dive and share I’m not the ARTIST.
Hellboy by John Wild gallery
Hellboy by John Wild gallery above
Hellboy by Art Sensei gallery
Hellboy by Art Sensei gallery above
Hellboy Miscellaneous gallery
Hellboy Miscellaneous gallery above
Lady Hellboy gallery
Lady Hellboy gallery above
Hellboy / Lady Hellboy Cosplay
Hellboy / Lady Hellboy Cosplay above